BELGIUM issue date: 15th september 1956 2FR - green - used not in the collection: 4FR - purple |
NETHERLAND issue date: 15th of september 2010 10C - brownred/black - used not in the collection: 20C - lightblue/black |
GERMANY issue date: 15th of september 1956 10PF - blackgreen - used/mint 40PF - darkblue - mint |
FRANCE issue date: 15th of september 1956 15FR - rose/brownkarmin - used not in the collection: 30FR - cobalt/purpleblue |
ITALY date of issue: 15th of september 1956 25L - darkgreen - used 60L - darkblue - used |
MISSING LIST 1956 (6/13)
Belgium: 4FR - purple
France: 30FR - cobalt/purpleblue
Luxenbourg: 2FR - brown/black; 3FR - lightbrown/red; 4FR - greenblue/blackblue
Netherlands: 25C lightblue/black
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